So there could be many explanations for this but I know you probably only want one. I, nor anybody else, can really give you that answer unless the situation is investigated.
You could be suffering from a mental illness. I'm sorry if you are, but maybe you should just explain this to somebody, maybe see a therapist, and if it's not a mental illness, well then maybe you are really experiencing something.
The fact that you said that your mother did not hear the bang could quite possibly make this a little more personal. Demons can make things like that a little more personal than ghosts can, but I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Whatever it is, never provoke it. When it happens, think of a bright, safe light surrounding you, and if you'd like you can contact a religious figure.
Research all of this carefully, and figure it out WITHOUT spirit communication. I beg you, do not try to communicate with whatever this is, and be careful what you do in terms of the situation. NEVER invite this being in.
If it is a ghost, then you do not have much to worry about because it can not physically hurt you. I suggest you read Michelle Belanger's - "Ghosts Hunters Survival Guide". You don't exactly have to be a ghost hunter in order to read it. It has many meditations and cleansing rituals that are really easy and fast, and do not require buying anything, and they will keep you safe from being oppressed by a spirit. If not that book, look up some more, or just read some articles online about meditation and spirit protection.
The fact that you can also pick up on this stuff may mean that you can channel the world better than others, making you sensitive/psychic to this type of phenomena. You can choose to channel it, or block it out, but you really have to research hard on this stuff, or contact somebody who knows about it.
So remember this, do not make it happen. Don't think about it too much and don't call it upon yourself, but when this stuff DOES happen to you, think about that light I told you about, and in those moments it's okay to communicate. Do not ask it what it wants. Just claim your house and space back by saying "You can not hurt me! You must leave me and my house alone! I cast you out" And if you want, you can add some religion in to what you're saying.
Practice those spiritual shield's to keep you safe from spirits.
Tell someone, or do lots and lots of research.
Think positively about the situation, while knowing the negatives.
Also, really think about what this could all be. Did you lose someone? Did you just move in to a new house? Did you attempt spirit communication in the past (Seances, Ouija boards, anything with your friends that could have brought a spirit in, or did someone else in your house do so?), did you open any doors? Bring anything strange home that could have a paranormal presence in your home?
Think of everything that could've possibly made this happen, all of a sudden. There's always a reason for spirit's to come in. Also, are you religious? Religion plays a big part in spirit invasion.
Once you think about it, and if you come up with the reasons, you have a better chance of banishing this thing.
I hope this helped, and I'm sorry for the long read, but it's worth it. I hope you figure it out, and I hope you're okay. God bless you, and I give you positive energy to cope with this!
By the way, if it helps, I am NOT religious, I just know the paranormal is a spiritual based economy that involves religion. So don't think I'm going all crazy old lady religious on you.
I'm actually a very young, paranormal researcher/investigator, and I do know what I am talking about.