What do you think about the UFO alien abduction phenomena?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What do you think about the UFO alien abduction phenomena?
Twenty answers:
2009-02-12 15:27:36 UTC
Alien abductions are real, kids, whether you like it or not.

You can't make it go away with smarmy bon mots.

You can't pretend it's scientifically impossible when our own technology went from horseback to spaceship in a single lifespan. Only a fool would pretend to know the technological limitations of a civilization with a ten-thousand year head start on us. Or a million years. Or a billion years.

You can't insist there is no evidence when there is eyewitness testimony in the tens of millions, eyewitness testimony being the cornerstone of evidence in any legal or criminal trial, any military tribunal, any congressional investigation. People are sentenced, even given the death penalty, based solely on one person's eyewitness testimony. A police officer's testimony is given even more weight as evidence.

It's almost funny; the self-serving way the 'alien-deniers' try to set the rules regarding aliens and abductions. They pretend that somehow, eyewitness testimony, which is held as serious evidence in all societal matters including murder trials and war crimes (and has been since the dawn of western civilization), somehow, this eyewitness testimony just "doesn't count" when it comes to aliens, alien ships, and alien abductions.

LOL Wha? It just doesn't count? Says who, exactly, the Amazing Randi? You? Sorry folks, eyewitness testimony is substantial evidence, unless you feel the Judgment at Nuremberg was a hoax too. Can't have it both ways.

Especially when the witnesses who state aliens are here include U.S. Astronauts, Senators, intelligence officers, air force officers and pilots, military personnel, airline pilots, police officers, and two presidents. And they've been saying aliens are here for sixty years. Tell me exactly why we shouldn't take what these people say seriously? They are pretty serious people. And, there are documents released under the FOIA Act that support what they say.

There are thousands of videos and photo evidence dating back to the 1920's, not all being genuine of course, especially with the advent of video technology, but many are.

Need more evidence? How about 3,000 physical trace cases at a UFO / alien sighting. Radiation, rare metallic isotopes, damage to vehicles, trains, windmills, scars, implants.

Need more evidence? How about the fact that countries all around the world are releasing their information on alien contact, usually of a military nature. Great Britain, France, Belgium, Turkey, Brazil, China, in fact the Japanese Defense Minister is ordering parliament to devise a defense strategy for alien attack. Sound far-fetched? then google it for yourself, sheeple. But I bet you're too lazy to look into it.

I'm simply amazed that so many brain-dead people have been able to hide from that fact for as long as they have. It ain't just a river in Egypt, as they say.

It's funny, most americans have been lulled into such a controlled mindset that important issues don't even cross their minds unless the mainstream media tells them to become concerned about it. They've lost the ability to reason, think critically, or think for themselves, and that's the way the powers-that-be want us. Complacent, short attention span, easily distracted. Wake up Sheeple.

They're here, they're grey, get used to it.
2009-02-10 22:41:57 UTC
Honestly, as a christian, I used to play into the theory that ministers on television would say that they were demon's flying in those saucers, but common sense told me that there has to be an explanation for the phenomena, because I know christians and agnostics alike who have seen them, and they are sane in every sense of the word, so after much reading in areas of meta physics in near death experiences, there seemed to be many people talking about their heavenly visit and families there and also, they would talk about life existing everywhere, in many universes, in many dimensions , and how they learned that were all related, were just in many different forms but carry the same God given spirit, sounds crazy, so I've researched in depth, and came across Delores Cannon's work in Somnambulist hypnosis, in which she became an expert in UFO abduction cases of lost time, and vivid memories or nightmares, and what she has discovered has put the UFO community and Christian community in a spin, these peoples conscious comes forward and explains the events of their experience, and they all say, everything is created by the source, we call it God, they call it the source, the central sun, the science behind it would never be to our understanding, but they claim to have seeded the planet eons ago, this was their job, their duty, this is going on all over many universes, not just our little corner of the solar system.

and I've backed up that research with reading Zecharia Sitchin's research of the Sumerian civilization and what appears to be the ground work of the genesis story of creation in the enuma elish 6,000 years ago, it claims the Annunaki God's from heaven came to earth and created man, The Adam, as a worker spiecies and it clearly states they were from another planet called Nibiru that passes through our solar system every 3,600 years, and in each passing, they come and check on their experiment and its development, and some of the annunaki did not like man, and some took the females for wives, just as the bible says, there was differences among the gods.

whats interesting about all of this is...... some abductee's have claimed for years that their abductors are not always grey aliens or monster looking creatures, many claim they look like you or me, and would not be able to tell the difference in a crowded room, that would support what the book of genesis says about the Elohim(Annunaki) let us create man in OUR IMAGE...hmmmmm are we missing something here people ? I think were being deliberatly dumbed down by someone, I know christians would say satan right off the bat, this might the ultimate deciet, because the puzzle fits perfectly, only were told not to put it together, but luckily the sumerians left over a million cuniform writings on the subject and the mayans left some clues also.
2009-02-12 13:36:49 UTC
Phil Schnieder and the boys dug the "watchers" up fom their imprisonments (2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6). It has been said that they are back now pretending to be "aliens" and using the "alien abduction" ruse to recreate the nephilim aka the Titans. All just in time for 2012.

An ancient depiction of a watcher before the Great Flood:

A recent sighting of one of the watcher leaders:

Google/youtube: Lyn Marzulli, Steve Quayle, Nephilim, Titans, giants
2009-02-12 13:32:19 UTC
If you look at 99% of the cases of so call abductions the people reporting being taken by aliens have an underlying mental problem. Just look at the people on tv who swear they have been abducted, they all look like stoners that are a few bricks shy of a full load. If there truly were other beings in the universe surely they would have made contact with us by now. Why would they study us any way if they are so advanced to have flying saucers that can fly millions of light years so quickly.
2009-02-09 20:55:46 UTC
Here are some explanations!

- It's sleep paralysis. The Body is still asleep, the mind is awake, the person's body can't move, they are dreaming with their eyes open.

- It's repressed memories of sexual abuse and sexualized trauma. Many people that claim to have been abducted also were sexually abused in their early childhood.

- Mental illness, Hoax, Mis-memories, High Electro-Magnetic fields. Some people lie about it to plug a book or get sympathy or get on TV or to sell something. Some people are hypnotized and dream-it and accept it as reality. And for some... living near High EMF field cause people to see things and have experiences that are not real. And it's all Cultural! North Americans will have nightmare of UFO.

- AND... then there is Demonic Oppression and Possession. These implants are supernaturally put into people's bodies. They whole experience was a demonic experience to change people's belief system.
2009-02-09 06:37:40 UTC
To wushuboy, I have had many incidences of sleep paralyzation, but never once attributed it to being abducted. It is when your mind wakes up before your muscles, which are paralyzed during sleep. You feel like you can't move or talk, and you also may have auditory hallucinations and the feeling that a presence is there in the room with you.

I think it's quite possible, and that many who have been abducted don't even recall it, because our brains can stuff those memories into our subconscious. Some children have drawn horrible pictures of things resembling an operating room, and being examined by otherworldly beings. Yet when asked, they don't know why they drew it.

Just food for thought. We may not know if there is merit to these stories for a very long time.
Bob D1
2009-02-09 19:10:35 UTC
People are always saying things like why would aliens in UFOs come 100s of 1000s of light years to reach earth only to fly by without communicating? Well, actually there's good reasons for that. What if you only needed human DNA and not the human themselves in order to make human contact possible? In other words, these beings are so advanced that they don't interact with matter in 3 dimensions + time like we are use to. They interact and communicate with matter (us) in our world from a higher dimension in space and time. What many folks call ghosts or spirits are really intelligent life froms from other places in the universe who have been visiting earth for many, many 1000s of years. More than that, what if our government knew what the deal is with this phenomenon? Could we count on them telling the people the truth about UFO abductions and the true power these beings have over the lives of each and everyone of us? No, of course not.

I can tell you with 100% certainity that classified technology exists that can mimic just what I have described, and more -- much more. Where did this technology come from and who is operating it? This technology is light years ahead of anything that we humans can currently come up with. There are 1000s of people in the USA alone who are experimental subjects of this technology, many 1000s more in developed industrialized nations around the world.

Things are not just happening in our world as a function of chance or even as cause-and-effect, alone.
2009-02-11 20:24:28 UTC
First I'd like to compliment Al on his answer. He brought up some great points.

As for the UFO/Alien abduction phenomena, I believe there is more going on than the general populous is aware of. I am not a fan of the term "alien" because in some instances I believe we are just as "alien" as they are or, they are just as terrestrial as we are.

I believe that humans were genetically engineered or "created" by an advanced race of beings. 15 years ago such a statement would have sounded insane. Today this statement only sounds "illegal" because we are capable of such a feat in the laboratory. Historical and religious texts make several references to advanced races quite frequently. In the Bible, Mary the Virgin conceives a son, Jesus. Again, just a few years ago such a feat would be seen as a miracle or impossible. Today, thanks to science a virgin is capable of conceiving a child. So is it possible that Mary was artificially inseminated by a being from a superior race? Many women today report becoming pregnant, suffering a miscarriage, and then years later being shown a hybrid child during an "abduction experience."

I'd also like to consider Moses' experience with the burning bush. The bush was on fire but not being burned. This was during a time period where the only source of light was FIRE. They did not have electricity or artificial light. If an advanced civilization was using a spot light to illuminate a bush and deliver a message to Moses, the only way he would be able to describe it based on his vocabulary for "light" would be as a bush on fire that did not burn. The bible later goes on to mention chariots of fire in the sky. What could they be?

As for modern day, I believe we are not alone. I believe there are beings residing on this planet who are more advanced that we are. I believe that at times humans are taken as test subjects, just as we perform tests on animals. I also belive that there are two types of "abductions." One being a physical taking of a person, which is not as common, and the other being a spiritual contact which occurrs during a dream-like state. There is still so much we have to learn.

I could honestly go on for quite a bit regarding this subject. Please feel free to check out our group, TruthSeikers. We offer friendly discussion forums and have several links supporting the above statements, 2012, the Annunaki, and spiritual growth. I wish you the best in your search for answers, as I am always in search of the truth. Thank you for posing this question, and for taking the time to review my answer. Best of Luck.

~D, TruthSeikers Founder

We are always interested in hearing what you have to say, and excited to share what we have learned in our quest for Truth.
2009-02-09 14:28:36 UTC
Here's a book for you:

"Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions" by David M. Jacobs

It's a good book, interesting to read. I hope it's not true, it's creepy! Read that one first, then read his other book "The Threat" - really freaky!
2016-11-15 05:50:27 UTC
there is already an "selection" sub-type in the technology type, which might look to conceal this. the hardship is that maximum believers in 2012 and UFOs are not amazing sufficient to realize that their questions could desire to pass there, somewhat than to "Astronomy & area." they think of that scientists are heavily attracted to those subject concerns, or are offering lots of the concepts in the back of them. It actual would not help that Yahoo makes use of "2012" and "alien craft" as key words to deflect those questions right here. it is why we are getting all those questions approximately 2011-2012 West African examinations right here, and we are going to see further and added questions approximately upcoming events in 2012 different than doomsday as that 3 hundred and sixty 5 days gets closer.
2009-02-08 18:50:15 UTC
There is no real evidence.

One of the most telling things though, is the descriptions that the abductees give of the instrumentation in the space ships. Over the years they have changed in tandom with earth technology, from dial type analogue displays, through flip type digital, red LED, LCD, 3d, and now holographic...
2009-02-09 12:53:37 UTC
Doubtful. Not enough evidence, and most of what there is, is hearsay and open to simpler explanations. We have the entire human genome mapped and are on the frontier of growing organs. We have 3D software models of humans that trainee surgeons can practice microsurgery on. We can identify DNA from specks of human skin or hair follicles that are decades old. Why the heck would aliens need to do tests on people? They are meant to be way more advanced than us.

Gary Y, that so-called abduction victims use descriptions that reflect the state of technology in their lives makes sense. They can only use terms that they know. How would a guy from the 19th Century describe a modern TV? Talking lantern? Description is only as clear as the terms we have available.
2009-02-08 17:46:31 UTC
Same thing as Succubus or The Old Hag. Alien Abductions is just a modernized form of it. Its called "Sleep Paralysis".

The very word nightmare comes from a reference to sleep paralysis, which should tell you that its much more common that most people think.
Melissa A
2009-02-10 11:46:57 UTC
Through out history there have been stories of abductions by "others" while this is a strange experience I refuse to just call these people "crazy" but that being said I also refuse to accept people that just believe it as if it is Gospel.
2009-02-10 11:35:24 UTC
I believe that aliens are really a particular class of demons, not creatures from another planet. I believe that people are abducted by these demons.
Dr. NG
2009-02-09 05:38:08 UTC
I wonder why it seems only Americans are abducted.With all the UFO activity in Mexico,they don't have a problem.
2009-02-09 11:22:00 UTC
I think it's hilarious to see people so adamant about it not being true.

Even Edgar Mitchell, former USA astronaut, thinks Aliens are real (publicly admitted it).
2009-02-08 17:40:19 UTC
2009-02-09 12:41:15 UTC
I think 99.9% of the cases are delusion. The other .1%, I don't know.
Thomas E
2009-02-09 04:29:38 UTC
It doesn't happen.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.