Multiple choice:
(1) If Aliens do come, you won't be the one taking anyone anywhere, so I wouldn't worry about it.
(2) Who told you you were suppose to? Your leaders? Why?
(3) The leaders are the aliens.
(4) Immigration procedures.
(5) If you don't ask a serious question on Yahoo, the inter-galatic agency for Earth evolution will deem you unworthy of future genetic propagation and seek to sterilize you through a medical procedure by implanting a brain device in your nostril which will cause you to become either an extreme democrate or republican, both ruled by an ancient secret society founded by alien intelligence whose descendants were the original founders of Atlantis but were later expelled and fled dispersed into Italy, Ancient America and Arabia where they founded the Vatican, Mecca and the Southern Baptist Convention.
Since then our currency has been controlled by the league of Planetary Atlantean Amazon debutants, whose primary goal is to manipulate you personally into watching mindless Television filled with subliminal commands to eat french fries and hamburgers in order to weaken the biological defenses of the human population and render them fat and stupid prior to invasion, at which time they will serve as cattle to be slaughtered for food supply by the aliens, whose nutritional needs are meet primarily by consumption of human flesh...thus explaining all the mysterious dissappearances of all humans who have ever lived.