2014-03-07 15:33:52 UTC
My cousins have also had experiences of their own-seeing shadows walking towards their room, hearing voices, their power going out unexpectedly, the t.v. turning off on it's own and not working for a while, feeling as if a presence was with them. My adopted aunt has even messed with a Ouija board and witnessed her power go out in her room and apparently she saw a red dress standing in the hallway.
When I moved to where I live right now, I've experienced more stuff. I'll list them out for you.
Unexplained noises: I have recently heard something fall down on the ground late at night, and when I went to check, nothing was on the ground. I have also heard a loud bang coming from the wall while watching my favourite show. I have even had something bark in my ear really loudly late at night and this was when I had a dog but he was never in the room.
Household items move: I was watching my favourite show when I heard something fall. I went to go check it out and it was my garlic holder that I had made for my mom once in pottery class and I witnessed it slowly move by itself. I had a Sean Paul c.d that my mom gave to me that her friend gave to her and I left it in one spot and one time when I went back downstairs it was gone and it was missing for a few days. Then, one day, I went back downstairs and decided to search for it again and it I found it but in a different pile.
Bizarre Shadows: Well, let's just say they weren't bizarre shadows but rather a shadow trying to manifest itself into a figure. This happened more than once, around a couple of times.
Strange behaviour from kids or pets: I have a dog who is going to be two years old soon and she is a king shepherd/boarder collie mix and I see her sometimes stare at the walls in the living room or when ever she sleeps with me, I'll sometimes leave the door open and my brother likes to leave the hall light on and she'll stare at the wall that faces directly from my bedroom, then stand up and widen her eyes as if something's there.
Feeling of being watched: If I'm either at my own house or my best friends house, I feel as though I am being watched by something and I get creeped out.
Terrifying (And recurring) dreams: I do get recurring dreams that do creep me out and the most terrifying dream was about my jaw breaking completely where I couldn't talk and my chin would be all the way to the bottom of my neck.
Electronic Devices spontaneously turn on: Well, I never really had this happen to me much, but there was this one time where I had my favourite show paused and I was coming out of the shower, when I got out of the bathroom I heard voices from the t.v. but when I checked to see if it was playing, it was still paused.
Unexplained writings: I never had this happen to me, but when I first moved into the house I live at now with my mom and brother, I would get unexplained scratches on my posters and unexplained scratches on my wall in the form of an x but it looked weird. One line was shorter then the other and they looked round.
Some other experiences I had was the feeling of sickness for no reason, I had my cousins friend tell me she saw shadows and a little girl call my name, I heard someone call my name when no one in the house did, and my best friend went to pick up water bottles off of a table she has upstairs and the picture on it fell right in front of her.
SO! The question is....is my house haunted or am I being followed by an entity? Can you please answer ASAP? thanks! Oh and plus, I saw a dark figure just an hour ago standing in front of the doorway of my best friends house facing me out of the corner of my eye. Just thought I'd put that out there. Anyways, please answer ASAP; thanks!! :)