Is my house haunted or am I being followed by an entity?
2014-03-07 15:33:52 UTC
Ok, so I'm just going to say this. My experiences had started when I was 11 years old. One night I woke up to my back being red with fresh scratches on my back. They were located on my upper back and I was not very flexible at 11 years old. Plus, I always slept on my stomach and was/still am a very heavy sleeper. To make this more accurate, I would find these scratches on me every single day. Then there came hearing the footsteps from upstairs when I was alone in the house, then came mimicking sounds of my mom's ex going down the stairs, then the feeling as if someone was watching me and trying to attack me.
My cousins have also had experiences of their own-seeing shadows walking towards their room, hearing voices, their power going out unexpectedly, the t.v. turning off on it's own and not working for a while, feeling as if a presence was with them. My adopted aunt has even messed with a Ouija board and witnessed her power go out in her room and apparently she saw a red dress standing in the hallway.

When I moved to where I live right now, I've experienced more stuff. I'll list them out for you.
Unexplained noises: I have recently heard something fall down on the ground late at night, and when I went to check, nothing was on the ground. I have also heard a loud bang coming from the wall while watching my favourite show. I have even had something bark in my ear really loudly late at night and this was when I had a dog but he was never in the room.
Household items move: I was watching my favourite show when I heard something fall. I went to go check it out and it was my garlic holder that I had made for my mom once in pottery class and I witnessed it slowly move by itself. I had a Sean Paul c.d that my mom gave to me that her friend gave to her and I left it in one spot and one time when I went back downstairs it was gone and it was missing for a few days. Then, one day, I went back downstairs and decided to search for it again and it I found it but in a different pile.
Bizarre Shadows: Well, let's just say they weren't bizarre shadows but rather a shadow trying to manifest itself into a figure. This happened more than once, around a couple of times.
Strange behaviour from kids or pets: I have a dog who is going to be two years old soon and she is a king shepherd/boarder collie mix and I see her sometimes stare at the walls in the living room or when ever she sleeps with me, I'll sometimes leave the door open and my brother likes to leave the hall light on and she'll stare at the wall that faces directly from my bedroom, then stand up and widen her eyes as if something's there.
Feeling of being watched: If I'm either at my own house or my best friends house, I feel as though I am being watched by something and I get creeped out.
Terrifying (And recurring) dreams: I do get recurring dreams that do creep me out and the most terrifying dream was about my jaw breaking completely where I couldn't talk and my chin would be all the way to the bottom of my neck.
Electronic Devices spontaneously turn on: Well, I never really had this happen to me much, but there was this one time where I had my favourite show paused and I was coming out of the shower, when I got out of the bathroom I heard voices from the t.v. but when I checked to see if it was playing, it was still paused.
Unexplained writings: I never had this happen to me, but when I first moved into the house I live at now with my mom and brother, I would get unexplained scratches on my posters and unexplained scratches on my wall in the form of an x but it looked weird. One line was shorter then the other and they looked round.

Some other experiences I had was the feeling of sickness for no reason, I had my cousins friend tell me she saw shadows and a little girl call my name, I heard someone call my name when no one in the house did, and my best friend went to pick up water bottles off of a table she has upstairs and the picture on it fell right in front of her.

SO! The question my house haunted or am I being followed by an entity? Can you please answer ASAP? thanks! Oh and plus, I saw a dark figure just an hour ago standing in front of the doorway of my best friends house facing me out of the corner of my eye. Just thought I'd put that out there. Anyways, please answer ASAP; thanks!! :)
Ten answers:
2014-03-07 20:12:46 UTC
From what it sounds like, it's the same entity following you around. If you're still getting scratches on your back and you're no longer in the same house, then it's most likely the same thing because it's pretty rare to have two mean spirits in two different houses in a row. If I were you, I'd either try talking to it (just get a recorder and try talking while recording, wait a few seconds, then play it back to see if you got a response), or go to a church and tell a priest or something. I've never had these kinds of things happen to me, but I'm sure they could help. It sounds as though it could be hostile (the one scratching you) so I'd be careful. But if all you're getting now is things falling or moving, you might just have a poltergeist and I'd assume that if it were a bad one you'd know by now, in which case you probably don't need to do anything about it. Sorry this answer is worded so odd.
2014-03-09 10:02:29 UTC
There is such a thing called the power of prayer. Your real question is how to get delivered from these demons. Unfortunately these demons were summoned by the oujia board and activities. The legal doorways were opened, therefore you have to legally close those doors. Now, why it seemed to form a soul tie with you and follow you, is a question you can answer -- possibly did you take part in these occult activities, or were you present, etc.? Someone there made a connection. Now, how to get rid of it. First you need to get ride of all occult materials from your room, home, etc. and burn them. (Not tear them up. ) You need to burn them and gather the ashes and ask Jesus to rebuke and bind those spirits up and never return. You need to pray and ask Jesus verbally and in faith to help you and protect you. You need to get a bible in the house and start reading out loud in each and every room, especially when you sense the spirit of fear, confusion, anger, unbelief, or any form of disruption. You must have FAITH. I can not stress this enough. You can not operate under legalism or fear. You must believe what you are reading and be no nonsense about it. Where ever you go carry a Gideon bible to read out loud whenever you feel someone is watching you or you sense fear. This is spiritual warfare. It is hard to do if you have not given your heart to Jesus. You must ask Jesus to help you. It is much easier if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You then have the right to use spiritual weapons that are given to those that believe and obey. Next find a church that believes in true deliverance, and holiness.

Another thing, if you have a TV in your room, please move it to the family room. There are a lot of spiritual demons that communicate with our spirits using the airwaves. (It is not all scientific as we know it. It works on a level that we don't quite understand, but the subliminal messages seep into our subconscious mind and open all kinds of doorways.)

I believe in deliverance. I hope this helps.
2016-07-20 06:52:36 UTC
Basic Training of the Puppy - Read here

The new puppy is certainly one of the most adorable and cuddly creatures that has ever been created. It is the most natural thing in the world to shower it with love and affection. However, at the same time it is important to realize that if you want to have a well trained adult dog, you need to begin the training process right away. The dog, like its related ancestor, the wolf, is a pack animal. One of the features of a pack is that it has a single dominant leader. Your new puppy is going to want that leader to be you, but if you do not assume that role from the very beginning, the puppy’s instincts will push him to become the leader.

The most important thing to remember about training the puppy during its first six months of life is that it must see you as the leader of the family pack. The essential thing is gaining the trust and the respect of the puppy from the beginning. You will not do this by allowing the puppy to do whatever it wants to do whenever it wants to do it. On the other hand, a certain amount of patience is required. Most people err in their early training by going to extremes one way or the other. Although you need to begin the basic training process at once, you can not expect your dog to do too much at first. Basic obedience training is fine and should include simple commands like sit, stay, and come. Remember that trying to teach the dog advanced obedience techniques when it is a puppy is much like trying to teach a five year old child algebra.

It is also important to restrain from cruel or abusive treatment of the puppy. You can not beat obedience into your dog, and it certainly is not going to engender feeling of respect and trust. House breaking is an area where this usually becomes a problem because of the anger that is triggered when the puppy fails and creates a mess inside the home. Although this issue must be addressed without anger, it most be addressed. If you allow the puppy to eliminate inside the house, it will continue to do so as an adult dog. The same thing is true of other destructive or dangerous behavior such as chewing and biting. Do not expect the puppy to grow out of it. You are going to need to train the puppy out of it, but you should do so firmly but with a sense of play and fun using positive reinforcement and lots of love and praise for good behavior.
2014-03-08 11:13:08 UTC
Nice novel. Anyway, yes there is an entity, but it's not what you wanted to hear. The entity is every horror story you've read about or watched, plus your very natural human imagination.

I believe in ghosts a hundred percent, no problem. I've seen a few with my own eyes, which is entirely why I believe in them. But I don't believe you have one following you around.

Your experiences, all of them, are either way too typical of horror movies and conspiracy theories or way too just plain normal. Honesly, you don't have anything truly weird going on. Lemmy show you, just so you don't think I'm one of those idiots who insists that nothing is real.

SCRATCHES: We all move in our sleep, and scratches can be caused by anything from bumping into a wall to rough clothing surfaces. If you didn't actually see the scratch appear out of nowhere, it doesn't count as paranormal.

FOOTSTEPS: All buildings, new and old, concrete or wooden, make footstep noises. It's part of how they're designed and built, no exceptions. You'll even hear the creaks and groans 'walk' across floors and down walls, and that too is part of the design. Again, anything that happens all the time in every building ever built doesn't count as paranormal. It's just normal.

TV TURNING ON: 30 years ago, that would have been weird. But back then, TVs were controlled by mechanical switches. There was this big knob that you had to push, pull or twist with physical force, and only physical force would turn it on or off. But these days, there are no moving parts and all it takes is an electronic signal to turn a TV on or off. Anything from a passing airplane to a low battery in the remote can cause this phenomenon. And again, anything that easily explained is definitely not paranormal.

OUIJA: The Ouija board is a toy. That's not just my opinion, it's the opinion of everyone who invented, designed and built the damm things. Only brainwashed religious fanatics claim they're the work of the devil, and those people insist that everything is the work of the devil.

See where I'm going with this? I just busted four of your 'paranormal' examples right off the top of my head, without even trying. And I actually believe in paranormal stuff. If it's that easy for me, how easy would it be for a non-believer to bust you?

Seriously, stop believing everything you see on TV.
2016-03-09 03:01:34 UTC
Sounds like perhaps one or more ghost, it takes time to ascertain correctly sometimes, to know if there's one or more different types of haunts, you may have both residual and intelligent. But you would need more experiences before you come to that conclusion. No one has got hurt so don't be scare of your home, relax and write all your experiences down, and if you are sure of a time it's wanting to communicate in some way, they is the time to speak to it and ask it questions, and don't be surprised when it answers. I was scare of going into my own home at one point in the beginning when it started to become stronger, this woman spirit was coming to me almost every night, I spoke for the first time, and said, "Go away, and leave me alone," because she kept on coming over to me, and this was when our communication started and our friendship, she came to me for four years and I learn a lot from her, she is like that of an angel.....and I was scare at first because I didn't understand her at the time, but she is not a ghost spirit, she is aware of her death, she is from a higher dimension, she travels back and forth, she is believe to be my spirit guide, and I ask her what her name was, because she knew my name, her name is Erica. She pops in once in a while to check in on me and my son. So you never know unless you basically test the spirit, and what I mean is communicate when you know it's the right time, to get a feel of what type spirit it is, and go from there.
Knightess in Service to Queen Elsa
2014-03-07 20:54:26 UTC
If what you say is true. Maybe you have psychic abilities that you maybe weren't aware of. The dead are attracted to mediums. Or it could just mean that you are haunted. I would suggest you do some donation, if you can't do it. Always wish others to be free from worries, anxieties, depression and other negative feelings. Wish people to be happy and feel peaceful. When you go out and you see strangers on the street or at the store. Wish for them to feel peace and wish that they can deal with whatever problems they have or receives help for any problems they have. Wish other people to be peaceful. Then apply that to the dead and the spirits. Wish for them to feel peace, feel tranquility, and wish the dead can go into the light.

Even if you asked this as a joke. I would suggest you and everyone else to always wish good for others, and wish others to feel peace, and if you believe in spirits. Wish for the spirits to be at peace and wish the dead to be at peace and hope they can move on and go into the light of G-d.

Do not try to communicate with the entities. It's possible that things might get worse. Wish for them to be at peace in your heart and at home speak out and say that you wishes them to be peace and wishes the dead to go into the light. But do not talk or have conversation with them, at least not now since you don't know what you are dealing with. But always wish for the others whether they are living or the dead or people or spirits. If you are someone who have religious background read prayers or positive things from your religious books or texts. Like for example if you are a christian read The Lord's Prayer. If you know a true/real priest talk to him. Or find a true holyman.

Also about what I said first, you having psychic ability or maybe you being a medium. Forget about that. First do the positive thing I advice you above.

There's a part of me that's skeptical about this story. But even if this isn't real I still would recommend people to think positive, feel positive, and wish others to be positive like pray or wishes them to be peace and free from worries and anxieties.
2014-06-06 07:59:11 UTC
The use of an Ouija board can often just be a random diversion in which nothing happens. But sometimes it can open up the door to the demonic. It sounds like this is the case with your aunt and your house. This is since you are actually calling upon a spirit to converse with you. The spirit can claim to be an angel, a deceased relative or the like, but do not be fooled. What the Ouija board connects you with (if anything) will be a demon.

One person on Yahoo Answers wrote, “After I played that Ouija ,I never wanted to do it again...I remember asking it when I was going to die and it said "56"...and I asked it how I was going to die and it said "sick".. Of course I wasn't moving the thing, and my friend said she wasn't moving it....It scared me shitless to be honest.. I just hope what it said isn't true…

Another said, “My sister received one for her birthday and used it regularly. We then noticed a pattern that every time she or I used it we wear hurt pretty bad, not broken bones, but serious cuts. After finally deciding to get rid of it, and throwing it in the trash I told it to ‘burn in hell’ later that day I had to go to the emergency room with 1st, 2nd, & 3rd degree burns to my face from a gasoline accident.”

And another on Yahoo Answers wrote, “Once my aunt and grandpa were playing with one and it said they would die on a bridge close to my aunt's house. Another time when my youngest uncle was in fifth grade the teacher brought an Ouija board out. He played with it and when he got home his mom told him to ask it if it believes in Jesus Christ as the Savior. He did and the spinny thing flew off the table and they never saw it again.”

Someone else shared, “A good friend of mine was tormented by a spirit her brother had let loose with this. It even followed her to college. Do not use it. The stronger spirits will come through and they are usually the bad ones.”

You can do your own search on Yahoo Answers for “Ouija beard experiences” and the like and you will see the stories are never good.

The only real way to be freed from oppression from the Ouija board is through Jesus Christ. Only in him and through him is there victory over demonic spirits. Those that have experienced the forces of darkness and see that the spiritual realm is very real need to now turn to the good to obtain freedom. Have a look at the links below (mostly videos) and see what you think. You need to get help for your aunt and to cleanse your house. Look up or Google “prayer ministry” or “healing rooms” or “deliverance ministry” in your area. Or ask a committed Christian friend about this. You can go to those people and explain your situation.


Tara’s Ouija Board story

Jeff’s Ouija board & Satanism

Getting out of occult story

Mel Bond – Hell and Demons

Jonathan Welton – seeing the spirit world
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2014-03-07 15:49:47 UTC
Dats hardcore
2014-03-07 21:06:11 UTC
its psychosis

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.