I think theres a ghost in my house??!?
2013-04-13 08:06:32 UTC
Theres always creaks and noises in my house but my mum always says the house is just abit noisy. My dogs always bark randomly but its always at something but I cant see anythinh. When I used to have cats they alwsys used to stare at something for ages but again I couldn't see anything. Recently my phone went missing and it ended up on my couch but I swear I nrver put it there. And a few days after my ipod went missing and it ended up on the couch again but I didnt put it there. I have no siblings so there not playing tricks on me. I did see a black short shadow slide quickly past my door but I just thought I imagined it...and today I felt a cold breeze, theres no windows open snd I heard breathing. I held my geeath incase it was me but tge breathing continued. I want to know how to capture a ghost kike ask quedtions and here tge answers playbacks on a recorder or mayve take pictures in rooms hut im not sure how to do it like should the lights be on or should I tty contaft the spirit first. The only csmeras I have is in jy hlackverry phone and on jy ipad, could I use tgat too? Could I here the ghost on a voidenote in my phone? And what quwstions can I ask....I jyst want to prove to my mum and myself im not going mad and tgere is a ghost
Fourteen answers:
2013-04-16 20:29:22 UTC
You will know if there is a spirit in your home. You will feel a heaviness and uneasy. Things can disappear and reappear in odd places, doors open, lights play up and you may see tiny small white balls of light shooting across the room. A quick easy way to be sure is get a digital camera that has infr-red and take load of pics. If in any of the pics you get orbs, mists or other abnormalities then you will know you have something in the house. Another thing you can grab is a K-II EMF metre. I have one and its very handy.
Obi Wan Knievel
2013-04-13 16:53:10 UTC
So let's get this straight. You're experiencing things that everyone experiences in every house, but in your case you think it's a ghost. Let's go over that list of yours.

- Yes your house makes noise, because all buildings do. Buildings are constantly expanding and contracting, leaning and twisting, and slowly sinking into the ground on which they're built. The creaks and groans and even booms are called dynamic load distribution, and if a building didn't do that it would collapse very quickly. You'll even hear (and feel) creaks walk across floors and down walls, and it's totally normal. Nothing unusual there.

- Dogs & cats are presumed to react to ghosts, that's a very popular (yet never proven or disproven) theory. But while they MIGHT react to ghosts, they also DO react to other things. They have the ability to hear a squirrel running through the neighbour's yard or smell what's in a garbage can half a mile away, and they'll react to that even though you can't hear or smell anything. The only way to confirm that pets can see spirits is to ask them and wait for their answer, which has never been done.

- Before you blame a ghost for stealing your stuff and returning it in random locations, ask yourself why a ghost would do that. Then ask yourself if your memory is 100% accurate and photographic at all times, and be honest when you answer.

- If you ever find yourself in a building with no airflow whatsoever (as you assume your house to be with the cold spot), you're actually in a coffin. All houses are designed and built to have air moving through them all the time, so an occasional cold spot doesn't mean anything.

- No one has ever successfully captured a ghost. Even though I believe in ghosts (which I do), I've never seen a ghost-photo that doesn't look like it was faked. Fake photography has existed as long as real photography has, and ghost-pics are the easiest thing in the world to fake.

- You can't prove that ghosts exist to anybody, so don't bother trying. Like I said, I believe in ghosts and still wouldn't believe any proof that you showed me. The proof is just to ambiguous and inconsistent to be considered proof at all, because there are too many other possibilities that could have produced the same result in the picture / recording.

Finally, you haven't seen anything ghostly going on. You've seen stuff that might have possibly maybe been the result of a ghost, but you haven't seen any ghosts. In fact all the stuff you've experienced is stuff that people experience every day. And when something happens to everyone every day, it doesn't count as paranormal.
2013-04-14 13:05:22 UTC
First things first, read through what you type because your spelling is terrible and it is impossible to take you seriously because of that. Also, don't worry about ghosts because they are not real. You're just freaking yourself out at this point. The creaks are just coming from your house (everyone's house creaks now and then), your dogs might be barking at various noises or things they saw outside, you might have just left your ipod on the couch or you mom might have put it there after finding it, the breeze might have come from a window in another room or the opening of a door by one of your parents, and the breathing probably wasn't actual breathing or might have just been you hearing things.

So the answer is no, there isn't a ghost in your house.
2013-04-13 08:11:23 UTC
1. Are you drunk or were you just typing fast? If you're drunk that could be making you imagine some things or not remember putting your things on the couch.

2. I'm not sure if there is a way to capture a ghost on camera or anything. You could possibly summon it in front of your mom and it would either show up or slam a bunch of cupboards or something.

3. I do not suggest doing what I said above. That's only if you are 100 percent sure it's a friendly ghost. A better idea is to cleanse your house with salt and get rid of it, that worked perfectly for one of my close friends.
Keira Ludwig
2013-04-13 08:16:17 UTC
Sometimes the noise comes from to house itself or when you are alone in the house. The house can creek. Your dog may be barking at something random and your cats may be staring at something small. Someone from your family may have moved your stuff to the couch. You should ask your family members. The breathing and the shadow might again be caused by your family members as well.
nitheesh m
2013-04-13 08:15:28 UTC
Dear friend,

no such exists in this word except energy,energy can not destroyed it exists even after the deth of a person.i tell u an example when some one calls through mobile our voice is transferred to radio waves after conversation you disconnect the phone but the energy still exists..its like echo when you go to place surrounded by mountain and you shout you can her that the sound this when ever we does something we are releasing some energy which does nt have death..some of us may have some skill to read it some of the may not have you must have wondered when some times u r in trouble an ur mom realises it and call u or warns u summory of all its the nergy waves which wont do any harm 2 u because its does nt have soul or body.For more discussion join
2016-07-20 00:56:52 UTC
teach your dog to come when called. Use a long line, call your dog if he does not come your correction will be to pop the dog into you and praise him. Read here

You could use a clicker. Call your dog when she comes click and treat.

The treat has to be something your dog is nuts over. As the handler you have to be more interesting then what is across the street. Use your imagination, I have worked with dogs in the past when the owners called their dog they would turn and start walking the opposite direction then just sit down. The dog out of curiosity would come back to check on the owner. Do not chase your dog. Dogs tend to enjoy the chase game. You did not mention if your dog is bolting out of the door to get out or not. If this is the case teach your dog the wait command at the door. This means no you can not go this time. This is a problem that a lot of people have if their dogs. If you take a lot of time with your dog and are consistent with your training it will work. If your parents see that you are working hard to fix the problem and they see an improvement in your dog your chances will be better for keeping her. Also have you thought of doing 4-H with your dog?
2016-03-09 02:00:25 UTC
it could be a spirit, but it could also be a demon of some sort. i have talked to someone before that told me that ouija boards can actually create an opening for demons. i'm partly speaking from experience because i am haunted by demons and many of them have settled into my house. i've also had things fall of stuff in my house with no natural reason as to why. i also feel like i am being watched. sometimes paranormal beings can also project their voices to a range that human ears can hear. i've heard that this isn't supposed to be possible, but it is. if you want to talk about this more, you are more than welcome to msg me about it. i'm trying to help anyone i can who has any sort of paranormal problems
2016-04-18 09:06:21 UTC
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2013-04-14 14:35:28 UTC
Basically I used to hear loud bangs up stairs when no one was in but me and I had no pets. A woman committed suicide (she shot herself) because she was mental. Houses down my road are very very old so they all have history. Also my cats (got them After the bangs) also Stare into thin air and look scared as hell. then they stop and carry on walking...Try a weegy board but remember its not easy to send the ghosts back if you get them.
2013-04-13 08:19:11 UTC
You may have a poltergeist in your house, but be careful trying to contact a ghost, they can be dangerous and mess with you more often to the point where it's really frightening
2013-04-13 08:08:01 UTC
Put a pie on the table and see if the ghost steals it or whatever!
2013-04-13 11:19:50 UTC
Ask if anyones theee and if there arew ask for 2 knocks for yes and one for no and use the recorder on your phone or ipod .
2013-04-14 04:53:24 UTC
say hello to it... see if it does anything to let you know its there

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.