not getting sleep can make you hallucinate big time. if you are sleeping, but missing "REM" sleep (the deepest phase of sleep, when you dream and get rested) then you could still hallucinate because you started "dreaming while awake" (we dream every single night but just dont always remember)
if you've been waking up not refreshed at all, you might be missing some REM sleep and that would explain things perfectly.
i sometimes have trouble sleeping and after 30 hours or so i hear a lot of whispers or people talking or saying my name who are not there. i will also be more sensitive to touch and think there is something crawling on me when there isnt...
try relaxing for a half hour before bed and dont stimulate your brain by eating/ reading/ or watching tv. just chill out. you should have a more peaceful sleep and catch up on the REM sleep.
what you explain does sound kind of supernatural, but i try to find logial answers first which is the above. my more "spiritual" suggestion would be to meditate. sounds silly if your not into it, but just sit comfortable and focus on keeping your chest still when you breathe. when you feel relaxed, ask yourself what are you hearing and feeling? a reasonable answer might just come to you.
i watch ghost hunters a lot and whenever people dont want ghosts in their house they are told to sit down and confidently say "this is my house and you are no longer welcome here. i want you to leave me alone"