What's the strangest paranormal activity you have ever experienced or witnessed?
2008-11-29 21:59:15 UTC
I've experienced some very strange things myself, the weirdest one was probably when someone lightly pinched me on my side and I turned around and nobody was there! It was CREEPY!!! What's some strange things that have happened to you?!?
Thirteen answers:
2008-11-30 05:44:24 UTC
The strangest experience was walking home one dark, windy night and seeing a ghostly white image in front of me rise up and fly away. It then went up into a tree, where I could see it was a plastic grocery bag. :)
2008-12-01 01:08:29 UTC
Once I was watching a show about the twilight zone or something, then the screen went all dark, (my lights were out too already) and I saw a bright orange glow above the TV. I looked at it, Then the light turned into many white flahes that lit the whole room. Nothing could of been behind that wall because theres nothing behind, not even a closet.

Another time, I was all alone except for my dogs. I was in my moms room with the door open when my dog raised his ears and looked at the kitchen. I looked and saw a black hooded robed man standing there staring right at me. Then he looked to the side and walked straight into the wall. I could see in between his robes (they appeared solid)

Once time I was in the kitchen about to get some ice cream with my dad. My mom was cooking dinner about 6 feet away. I got a spoon and heard a sort of distorted robot type voice. I could not understand it, but my dad heard it too. My mom heard nothing.

I have alot of Dejavu's all the time and have been recently dreaming of planes. Either being at the airport. Seeing a plane crash in a field. Or this scary one: Seen 2 planes crash into a skyscraper, at night. Creepy.

Sometimes, I see people from the side of my eyes, but when I look, they are gone.

Yesterday, I turned the door handle to let the dog out, and I felt someone turning the handle the opposite way for a second.
2008-11-30 16:29:07 UTC
Yeah I seen a ghost about ten years ago. We were all in the kitchen playing cards at mom's house (the house I grew up in) when I went into the bathroom & turned on the light... I saw an old ghostly women looking in the mirror, she had a very strange expression on her face .When I screamed she turned & ran past me around the corner & up the stairs. I felt her brush past me & I heard a whishing sound- I seen felt & heard her. When I screamed two of my brother in laws came running, they thought someone was breaking into the house. Of course they didn't believe I saw a ghost.

By then I really had to pee but didn't want to go into the bathroom by myself so I asked my sister to go in with me. She grew up in that house too and knew wierd stuff happened from time to time.

That was the first time I actually saw a ghost, other times you'd just see what they had done like knocking over your pepsi and when you went to get something to clean it up it would be back in the bottle! or you'd see a coat float across the room( I never wore that coat again) and one time I saw the old pot belly stove jump into the middle of the floor. I was so upset I refuse to go into the house until Dad got home & he checked everything out. The pipes had pulled from the wall a little bit... and shortly afterwards Dad replaced the stove with a furance. They couldn't explain why the stove was off center & the smoke pipe was not lined up- but I knew it was because the dam thing had jumped across the room! Who knows why? It just did.

My sister (the one I made go into the bathroom with me) offen saw a child looking out the top floor window when no one was home.

The scariest thing was that old woman looking in the mirror but I think she was more afraid than I was. She looked so very sad and confussed, then frighten when I screamed. She turned & looked at me like I was the ghost! I have no idea who she was or why she was in the house.
Koter Boters misses Rufus!
2008-11-30 06:54:07 UTC
The most creepy thing that happened to me:

Was when I was in my Mom's room playing a game on the computer and I felt this touch on my neck and I looked but no one was there so I ran out of the room because it freaked me out!

That was the only time I got creeped out! Since then I have seen a spirit i my hallway of the house in a white gown but couldn't see his feet.

I have heard my Mom's door shut(thought it was my brother at first but it wasn't him) and I have heard a cabinet in the kitchen shut but the only person in the kitchen at the time was me(the cabinet that shut was behind me),I have seen the kitchen light flicker also,and the living room light,and a lamp light flicker.

I have also felt a spirit touch me on my arm. But I believe that was my Dad saying he was here and watching me(He passed in May).

I also saw this oval shaped shadow on the hallway wall from in the bathroom and when I shut the door to the bathroom when I was done it was still there. As I walked to the living room it went into my room. To this day I don't know what that shadow was from.
2016-05-26 20:41:28 UTC
There is no such thing as the "paranormal". If you need proof of this, a MILLION DOLLARS has been sitting there waiting for the taking for anyone who can show proof of any "paranormal" event, offered by James Randi & his organization. No-one has yet successfully claimed it. The public's lack of basic science understanding is at the root of the success of all this nonsense, but that is not the problem of science, it is the problem of the stupid & the gullible.
Madeline C
2008-11-30 17:17:31 UTC

Lemme think...

Probably when I saw a little Victorian girl in my room and something kept whispering "Pain!" over and over again andwhen something threw a Sharpie at my head.

I think the craziest paranormal thing is the Crying Virgin Mary Statues. They recently analized the liquid that came out of the statues' eyes, and it's really similar to human tears. AND some of them cried human blood. There is proof that the Lord lives. The statues' tears leaven stains, too.
2008-12-02 23:09:51 UTC
This story happened about 7 years ago to my wife, my son and I.

We had been married a little over a two years and had a son who was a year old. We lived in a small apartment and had been of trying to find a house for some time. A friend of mine in real estate called and said he had the perfect house for, so we went to have a look. As soon as my wife walked in she told me she wanted it, even before we had seen the entire house so I put an offer in and the next day we were doing the paper work. We moved into the house in late November and right from the first night things were a little weird. I had put all my sons Fisher Price Toys ( The ones that light up and make sounds when kicked or touched) in the dinning room and around 2- 3 am all of them started to go off at the same time. I got up and looked and there was nothing, this happened anywhere from 2-4 times a week for the first month and then it started happening in the day when we were up. I would walk out of the dinning room with my son in my arms and go around the corner and next thing you know one of the toys was going off. I told my wife that I thought it was from low batteries or maybe that cat of hers was rubbing against the toy and setting it off, either way we thought it could be explained. Things continued to happen, toys were being moved and there was a constant feeling of not being alone anywhere you went in the house, we would put my son in his crib and leave the room and the soother toy that was mounted on the side of the crib would start playing, the little flying bee hanging from his ceiling was moving, like it had been pushed. One day I pulled the batteries out of the toys in the dinning room and that night at 3:00am 2 of them started to go off and I can tell you the hair on my neck was standing. One night my wife and son were staying at her moms and I was at home sitting on the couch having a beer and as plain as day I could hear a little kid laughing at the end of our hallway, there was nothing there but it could not have come from outside because the house beside us was empty and a very old women who rarely had visitors lived in the other. Things continued to happen and we struggled to find out who or what this was. Around the middle of March we got our answer, I was sitting out on our front steps having a smoke and looking at the areas where the snow piles were melting in the front yard. I noticed what looked to be the corner of a piece of paper sticking up from a pile of snow, I got up and went over and pulled it out and turned it over to have a look. The piece of paper turned out to be a picture and the picture was that of a small child about 18 – 24 months old lying in a coffin, the picture was from that child’s funeral. At that moment every hair on my body stood straight up and I was almost sick to my stomach. I showed my wife and some of our relatives that new about our situation and their reaction was the same.

From the day we found this picture we have not had another incident in our house and everything has been normal.

I really don’t care if people believe it or not , my wife and I as well as some of our friends witnessed it and all I can say is that this was by far the weirdest and creepiest thing that has ever happened to us.
Extreme Kiwii
2008-11-29 22:09:29 UTC

from what i remember- i have an aunt who lives in the upper california region, sort of deserted were she lives. Anyway, about 3 suicides happened in her house, deaths too. It's really haunted, so whenever we go visit we allsleep together in the living room (they even cover blankets on the windows because they say you can see things outside atnight). Anywho, i remember one night, i was sleeping, and I felt someone playing with my hair ( i was sleeping onthe floor). I didnt even want to look to see what it was, since i already knew. Then also my mom went up to go use the restroom, but they left the light on from the kitchen... and when my mom mentioned she forgot to turn off the light, it turned off by itself. Creeepy stuff. haha
2008-11-30 22:41:32 UTC
Ok this is going to be long and extra ordinary, but I have actually experienced it so dont write me off as crazy unless you have yourself. When i was 13 i tried the board. By myself since i didnt trust anyone doing it with me. Nothing happened at first, but after a few tries it moved and i was so excited, and told my mom, and she clearly told me to leave those things alone. I met 3 spirits in my home(which now i believe was just one). Anthony was 10 years old and died in a car crash and controlled the others, who was zhazha(81) and ano(13). There were times he would not let me talk to them and he would tell me sexual things about him and zhazha and always told me not to tell Mrs. Mele. Ms. Mele was my english teacher, but her class was more like religion than english. I dont know why he singled her out. I spoke to him everyday and soon only to him. When i realized that i didnt need the board for him to control my hand, I started using automatic writing . The handwriting would be different from mines and very scraggly. I moved to another place temporarily and met other spirts as well(bethany,devil dave, warp). Warp was for me the nicest one and shared alot with me. He even drew a pic of himself once which looked like a fat man with long stringy hair. When i moved back to my old house, anthony would no longer talk to me and would move the pen off the paper everytime i tried. About a year passed and one night i was in my bed awake and i heard what sounded like footsteps step on the bed. One.. two, then i saw a small light come over me and i couldnt move or anything and i just layed there and when it was over i felt this energy in my body, like it was tingling. After this was when things started to happen. I would be woken up to hearing someone yelling so loudly in my ear. I have been slapped before and its strange because it hurts and was extremely hard, but not physically. Ive heard my mom call my name when she wasnt home and felt that thing walk from the door towards me and stop right my by side. You can feel the presense. I woke up every night at 3:15 for reasons beyond me and the attack at night got so bad that one night(my last night there) i felt it waiting by my bedside, just standing there waiting for me to fall asleep and it attacked me. I felt actual solid hands on my body and was wide awake and just prayed the whole time for it to be over. That was my last night there. Those things dont happen anymore and thanks goodness. Now I have two haunted dolls and they give me any paranormal activity like footsteps, bangings noises, scratching under my pillow, whispering at night, dark shadows, knocking on doors, things like that. But its not directed towards me , they just do what they do. Good luck
2008-11-30 02:54:21 UTC
At my old house i woke up 1 night (dont know what time) and i looked in the corner... i seen one of those hooded black figures.... i w8d and i was watching it then it faded away.... (i was realy young too)
2008-11-30 13:42:57 UTC
Now to be quite honest if I told you, you would never believe it, I think some things are not meant to be told.
2008-11-29 22:17:58 UTC
2008-11-29 22:02:30 UTC
I see dead people.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.