Once I was watching a show about the twilight zone or something, then the screen went all dark, (my lights were out too already) and I saw a bright orange glow above the TV. I looked at it, Then the light turned into many white flahes that lit the whole room. Nothing could of been behind that wall because theres nothing behind, not even a closet.
Another time, I was all alone except for my dogs. I was in my moms room with the door open when my dog raised his ears and looked at the kitchen. I looked and saw a black hooded robed man standing there staring right at me. Then he looked to the side and walked straight into the wall. I could see in between his robes (they appeared solid)
Once time I was in the kitchen about to get some ice cream with my dad. My mom was cooking dinner about 6 feet away. I got a spoon and heard a sort of distorted robot type voice. I could not understand it, but my dad heard it too. My mom heard nothing.
I have alot of Dejavu's all the time and have been recently dreaming of planes. Either being at the airport. Seeing a plane crash in a field. Or this scary one: Seen 2 planes crash into a skyscraper, at night. Creepy.
Sometimes, I see people from the side of my eyes, but when I look, they are gone.
Yesterday, I turned the door handle to let the dog out, and I felt someone turning the handle the opposite way for a second.