Well I've been quite fascinated by Crop Circles for several years. After careful thought I believe some of these Crop Circles are made by extra-terrestrials. I've been studying the book You Are Responsible by Dr George King and come to the conclusion that the 'Authentic ones' are made by Intelligences from the planet Venus.
The reason that they appear predominently in Wheat is because grain came originally from Venus. This gives the Vensuains karmic permission to use this kingdom of nature in order to present their existence to the Earth scientists and the few, deeper thinking, aspects of humanity.
According to the Master Aetherius after whom the Aetherius Society is named, symbology is used very much in their educational systems. I reasoned that the phenomena is really a form of educating mankind to certain Cosmic Truths.
That these crop circles occur in Britain where many of these have been recorded for posterity means that these can be referred to at a later date, if neccessary by modern technology.
Great britain is one of the chosen spiritual centres of the world, according to the Master Aetherius. We might ask 'chosen' by whom? It would appear that the Cosmic Hierarchy has declared it so and hence the moves by the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth closer to so-called civilisation with retreats in Scotland and Mount Kilimanjaro in the past few years.
The planet Venus appears quite a bit in the Crop Circle symbology.
The Master Aetherius said something in You Are Responsible to the effect that they would provide further evidence of their existence to the more scientifically minded as an added campaign to UFO phenomena. Perhaps these Crop Circles are a part of this.
All I've done is add-up the dots between clues in the Aetherius Society literature which are all available to the public from Dr King and the Cosmic Masters.