2008-03-01 11:49:34 UTC
I turned off my phone and laid it near the bedstand next to hers; We fell asleep and she woke up and started saying my name "Yalana, Yalana!" But she wouldn't move, after about 5 minutes she finally moved and told me she had a dream of us at a party and seeing a girl on the floor she says she said (in the dream) "Who it that?" And a list came up saying Myraih (Her friend who is in the hospital) and music names were rolling down, as if they were credits and music was playing and that's when she woke up. She said she couldn't move her lips but made an effort to say my name; her arms, she says, had a 'tingly' feeling and wouldn't move afterward she looked at the clock; 5:37. She went back to sleep around 5:50. We wake up around 8 and turn on my phone, strangely a picture looks negative, was on my