Paranormal is an umbrella term used to describe a wide variety of reported anomalous phenomena. According to the Journal of Parapsychology (Parapsychological Association), the term paranormal describes "any phenomenon that in one or more respects exceeds the limits of what is deemed physically possible according to current scientific assumptions." [1] The term is derived from the Latin use of the prefix "para", meaning "against, counter, outside or beyond the norm."
Many see the word paranormal as a term that describes subjects studied under parapsychology, which deals with psychical phenomena like telepathy, ESP, and survival studies like ghosts and reincarnation. However, the paranormal sometimes describes subjects outside the scope of parapsychology, including anomalous aspects of UFOs, some creatures that fall under the scope of cryptozoology, purported phenomena surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, and many other non-psychical subjects.[2]
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2006-11-25 19:01:15 UTC
that's kind of an oxymoron, did you mean perinormal phenomena? Here is what wikipedia says:
"Paranormal phenomena, by definition, lacks a complete scientific explanation. If at some point the phenomena is explainable by science, it becomes perinormal. Perinormal phenomena is a term that has been suggested to describe previously unknown forces which at first appeared to be paranormal and were later verified scientifically."
Chong Sian C
2006-11-26 22:52:40 UTC
There has been an ongoing debate, or at least spirited discussion, among ghost hunters and paranormal investigators about the validity of orbs as paranormal evidence. Many ghost hunters believe they are evidence of ghosts – that they are some kind of spirit or psychic energy manifesting as these glowing balls of light appearing in photographs. By now, however, enough experiments have been conducted to demonstrate that orbs are nothing more than dust, rain, pollen or some other airborne particulate. It's time to drop orbs as a paranormal possibility.
2006-11-25 12:09:02 UTC
Everything in (and beyond) the universe that science can't explain yet. Scientists need controlled, measurable results before they will call it 'normal' science. Even though our military does test and practice it. Such as moving objects with your mind (telekenesis), or remote viewing, where you are given a location on a map, close your eyes, and go there. Then draw everything you saw in detail. This has been proven to be accurate and the military uses it all the time, but since noone knows the exact mechanics of of, it isn't 'real science'.
2006-11-28 14:13:05 UTC
Well, "para" means "beside"........ so paranormal in its literal translation means "beside or next to normal".......... and phenomena is defined in the American Heritage dictionary as "An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses. An observable event." Therefore, a paranormal phenomena is literally a "next to normal observable event."
My question is what is "normal?"
2016-11-27 02:00:33 UTC
i've got been to the Bermuda Triangle many circumstances.Flying and crusing in one day.i've got seen freighters,liners and small exhilaration boats.human beings fishing and scuba diving is a consumer-friendly sight.i've got on no account seen a vortex or ghost deliver.extremely the triangle is not any distinctive then the different area of the Atlantic.i'm surprisingly beneficial it extremely is the comparable with different paranormal phenomenon.verify it out with an open ideas and there is no longer something there.
2014-07-19 13:45:52 UTC
The paranormal is understood as a manifestation of spirits, such spirits are not the souls of the dead, because the soul of the deceased is in 'Adès, Sheol, World of souls, so prepared by God until he was called his judgment Universal.
Therefore, the souls can not intercede with loved ones or for third parties, nor can the relatives with their departed.
Therefore, all the manifestations of any spirits that manifest in the visible world to the people, or by Medium, or Psychics and so on, they are nothing but spirits of demons!!!
That is what is reportedly the Paranormal Phenomenon!!
2016-07-16 04:03:14 UTC
Any information received beyond the normal senses is paranormal phenomenon. Learned men by their meditation go beyond the human dimensions to unfathomable depths of bliss and tranquility,
2006-11-28 08:21:40 UTC
An incident that cannot be explained by accepted scientific analysis.
Does this make it untrue? No. Just unproven. But then, it wasn't until the late '90s that the moon was "proven" scientifically to exist.
2006-11-25 22:07:06 UTC
It means above or outside the realm of the normal. Like spirits, extraterrestrial, etc.
2006-11-24 21:15:00 UTC
Anything that isnt normal or anything that is unknown, such as Ghosts, UFO's, etc.
This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.