ouija boards?
2007-11-29 14:43:55 UTC
tell me your experiances!
33 answers:
2007-12-02 20:08:00 UTC
ok...I'm sorry....I just HAVE to clear this up.......Ouija boards are not evil......if you have had a bad experience it was because.....1.You didn't surround yourself, the board and all else in the room with white light (protection from evil spirits) .....2. You did it by yourself.........3. You (or someone else using the board) provoked a spirit.......or 4. It was all in your head...........................Ouija boards are NOT are...they are just ways to communicate.......If you don't know what you are could let in a spirit............if you are sick physically, emotionally, or mentally when using the board, then spirits can easily get in.........sure the Catholic church frowns upon the use of ouija boards, but that is only because they don't understand it......they also frown upon Harry Potter-does that make a children's book evil? no......................not all spirits that get "let out" are evil.....they are just full of energy and have had no way of releasing it...............................spirits in the board cannot harm you unless you do something to let them out..........I am sorry if this does not change any are truely missing out, for a smart experience is a good one....
2007-12-03 11:22:35 UTC
Every so often this question comes up in some form and you know I think that it is important enough to repeat my answer. So for those who have already read it before...sorry.

Please do not ever think about playing with ANY sort of object to divine any spirits. That includes Ouija Boards. Yes, they are sold as a toy. There is actually nothing mystical about them. They come with instructions. But this is why you do not want to play around with one.

lets just say you meet someone on line and he/she tells you "all the right things" They look good, they have a good job etc. How do you really know that? You don't. Anyone can sit behind a monitor and tell you anything you want to know and until you make the move to meet that person, and at that meet, he/she could be your local ax murderer...see where I am going with this....if you are lucky enough to divine a do you know it really is uncle Joe or grandma Sue. It is possible to bring up something that you don't know how to handle. If you own a Ouija board. take it out and burn it....
2007-11-29 15:51:51 UTC
This is interesting because I haven't seen a question on Ouija boards before, plenty on other paranormal nonsense like astrology, psychics/mediums, Bermuda triangle etc. etc. so here goes.

First and foremost, they are a load of nonsense, they don't do what they caim they can do, and it's very easy to prove so.

First, what is a ouija board? The name is derived from the French and German word for 'yes', the board consists of the letters of the alphabet, numbers and usually the words 'yes' and 'no'.

One or more operators sit around the board each resting their fingers lightly on a planchette, which can move freely across the board.

It is said that 'spirits' cause the planchette to move over the board, spelling out messages etc.

The movement is actually due to the ideomotor effect, as in dowsing with rods or pendulums, this can be proven quite easily because 'IF THE OPERATORS ARE BLINDFOLDED, ONLY GIBBERISH IS PRODUCED'

I also read of an experiment where coded symbols or letters, replaced the conventional alphabet on the ouija board, in the room where the operators were sitting, and in the next room, out of sight of the operators, was a large notice board on the wall showing which letter of the alphabet was represented

by which symbol on the ouija board.

As would be expected, all the so called messages that were 'received' were total gibberish, or was it not possible for the 'spirits' to go from one room to the other to deciper the code?

Lastly, if there is anyone out there who thinks that he can prove ouija boards work , take the Randi $1,000,000 challenge sourced below, and before you make any excuses about not needing, or not doing it for the money, give it to Children in need, or any other worthwhile charity.

I welcome any comments, I never get any from my constant challenges to nonsense claims.
2007-12-03 13:27:24 UTC
I have used them off and on since I bought my first board when Parker Brothers first bought the copy write and started to produce them . I was either 12 or 14 and my first board cost one dollar at the M.E. Moses .05 and .10 store

I have never had any bad or real weird experiences and am under the impression that we control them with our thoughts. They are not evil and do not open a doorway to demons. I did not see any horror stories connected to the Ouija board until I got grown and the movie the Exorcist came out and then is when all the demonic stories started popping up.

They are very unreliable but not evil.

2007-12-02 05:59:01 UTC
In my case the Ouija board was actually a chair with the Ouija inscriptions on it. It had a pencil tied to one of its legs so when a question was asked it would write the answer on the floor by moving. When someone asked the chair where gets his power from, he wrote 666. The owner than tried to destroy the chair by hitting it with a hammer (but it didn't work). He than took it and threw it away somewhere out of town, but, by the time that he got back home, the chair was back in his house. Eventually he burnt it.
2007-12-02 21:12:22 UTC
I'll never mess with a Ouija board again after the two experiences I had with it. My sister was in the hospital in critical condition 10% chance of living,me and my friend were messing with the board when it spelled out that my sister was gana die, I broke the board in half and my sister ended up living. A long time after that a couple of my close friends brought over another board and we asked it if anyone would come between my friend and her boyfriend and the board spelled out the name Carrie, my friend was so mad at me because she thought I did it and wouldn't talk to me for 3 months until the truth came out, it wasn't just one girl named Carrie that came between her and her boyfriends relationship but two of them. She ended up apologizing to me for not believing me.
2007-12-01 07:27:20 UTC
I remember my brother coming down back home in a hurry one night. He was scared like hell. Apparently him and his friends, after drinking a lot, found a ouija board and start goofing with it. Too make a long story short, they scared themself pretty well with it.

Apparently, the guy from where they were had to ask a medium to get rid of the spirit they invoked....
2007-11-30 14:28:36 UTC
Just leave well alone!!!!!!!!!!! I was 13/14 and read that my sister had done it and contacted my nana. I was jealous so did it too. My sister found out through her ouija board and told me off - and warned me off - bit late though! My sisters friend was possesed through the one they did - he ranted in fluent french which he couldn't do normally and the experience has never really left me - there is always a feeling of something there - no bad but protective. These should be left to people who really posses a'gift' - meduims who can deal with any problems that arise. SERIOUSLY LEAVE WELL ALONE!!!!
2007-12-01 19:19:22 UTC
Parker Brothers did not invent the Ouija Board. It had already been around for awhile when it was bought by Parker Brothers in 1966 and turned into a commercial success as a board game. Its beginnings lie in the distant past when an earlier version (a tripod device) was used in the ancient ways of Babylon and Greece to contact departed spirits. The tripod became the pointer now used with the Board, which is printed with the alphabet, the numbers 1-9, a 0 (zero), and the words 'Goodbye', 'Yes', and 'No'. There are other boards like this with different names, but with the same history and purpose. The modern version of this game was developed by a man named Planchette, a spiritualist (someone who contacts the dead as part of their religion). The Board was further transformed around the turn of the century under the direction and ownership of two men, Elijah J. Bond and William Fuld. Fuld’s name can be seen on the Ouija Board today. The name Ouija is a combination of the French and German words for 'yes': Oui and Ja. According to Bond and Fuld, the Board suggested its own name. The primary purpose of the board is and always has been to contact disembodied spirits. Contacting the dead is called necromancy, and contacting spirits is spiritism, both strongly condemned by God (Deut. 18:9-12; Lev. 19:31, 20:6; I Sam 28, II Kings 21:6; Is. 8:19, 19:3-4). The Board’s translated name, 'yes, yes', is an ingenious and subtle way to invite spirit contact. Dead people cannot hang around after death; you cannot communicate with a dead person. The practices and techniques of contacting the dead and contacting spirits are used widely in the occult. Although the pointer is often moved intentionally or subconsciously by the players, you are putting yourself in a vulnerable position when using the Board. By 'playing' this 'game', you are showing an interest in spirit contact. If contact is made, it is demons (evil spirits, fallen angels), not the dead, who are responding. If Satan can disguise himself as "an angel of light" (2 Cor. 11:14), then it is not improbable that fallen angels can disguise themselves as the dead. The Ouija Board is not harmless just because it is marketed as a game. Satan, the master of deception and seduction, is good at twisting the truth into lies (Gen. 3:1-6; Jn. 8:44). Satan likes disguises and his lies are often disguised as games. The next time you are tempted to play the Ouija Board as a game, look beyond its disguise and see it for what it really is. Think about this: Just what or who are you trying to contact? God tells us to seek Him instead of the dead (Is. 8:19), and Christ "lives forever to plead with God" on behalf of those who believe Him (Heb. 7:25b). Who wants the Ouija Board when you can know the One Who has "complete authority in heaven and on earth!" (Matt.28:18). If you are wondering about Christ, think on His words in John 5:23b-24, "He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father , who sent him. I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."
2007-11-29 15:08:47 UTC
My mum and her cousin tried one with me once,I was curious of course and they thought they would show me(they had agreed years before not to do one again).My dad was there in the kitchen smiling away to himself,he doesn't believe in that nonsense.

Anyway,my mum asked him to leave the room because nothing was happening.They were asking if I would go to university and then which one.The glass went to Y and for the second question started E U(I had applied for Edinburgh University) then went to some other letters,not making any sense.

That was enough for me,I got really spooked because I know the glass was moving on its own,there is no way they would have tricked me.

So that's my one and only experience,glad I tried it,and part of me would like to try some more.But my experience was tame compared to some others I've heard of;I'd be really spooked if something crazy happened.

I didn't go to Edinburgh,I went to Aberdeen!
2007-11-29 14:59:12 UTC
I did one with a group of us on a hunt night , it was great , it was very random but it did move , wish it had been saying something that made sense , but the fact is the glass moved (i did it with just my girlfriend who was also un-freaked and certainly not moving it )

normally i would say its illusion but it wasnt , you can only know yourself by experiencing something , and never for 100% if its someone telling you about something .

I would definately do one again with that sort of ghost hunt group , only for the fact I dont have a ouija board and these groups you go with to old buildings famous for there hauntings.

I know loads of people go on them now and do stuff like

ouija boards , seances , think its the latest craze ,

you should book up with one and go see for yourself .
Peter D
2007-11-29 17:54:41 UTC
This one time I was playing with a Ouija board I experienced something called the ideomotor effect. It was really kewl.

But seriously, here's a good article that discusses Ouija boards at length:

It's a parlor game. There is nothing paranormal about it. Please don't pay any attention to the superstitious people who claim using one will cause doom to fall upon you and your family. It's all in the head.
Dr. NG
2007-11-30 06:48:03 UTC
Years ago I worked in Two Guys.A long gone department store based in NJ.I sold a couple of them from the toy department.
2007-11-29 14:49:39 UTC
Reasonable, I still have an open mind. I was with sensible caring people with a spiritual side, and with some experience. I would be wary about just doing it as a silly party game.
Gavin H
2007-11-30 19:35:42 UTC
I wanted to try this using a language that the other participants didn't understand.

I was going to use Welsh but never got around to it
Laila's Mummy!
2007-11-29 14:59:18 UTC
When i was about 13 me and my cousin made a paper one. we tried to get in contact with our grandad who passed away, insted we got something else so we thought we'd give up so i threw the glass we were using across the room onto the floor. as soon as it landed it flew back at me and whacked me in the face.

Since then i have never done one since. i wouldnt recommend doing on either they can lead to really weird strange things happening.
2007-12-02 13:42:13 UTC
I watched the exorcist and never tried, and when I got older i studied wiccan, and learned it's used for very desperate or evil reasons. dangerous
2007-12-01 16:40:59 UTC
Don't use it. It opens you and your home up to some scary stuff. You never know what will come through - it's like leaving your door unlocked in a bad neighborhood.
2007-12-01 02:20:22 UTC
i have attempted to use homemade ones with no luck.

i do think they're alright to use in the hands of someone who truly knows what they are doing with them. however, i believe they can be dangerous in the wrong hands.
2007-11-29 15:21:51 UTC
first letter out...M next came an A then a D oh my god! then came an E shortly followed by an I and an N then out of the blue came an H an O and the an N then a G then a K and an O and an N then oh my god then came a G it was soooo spooky!
2007-11-29 15:10:20 UTC
scares the **** out of me, i was 14, my mum came over to get me and me sister home, she watched for a while, thinking it was just a laugh, telling us come on girls home ,school tomoz. then she asked who we were speaking to, we asked the spirit, Ellen dickenson, it spelt out.. mum looked shocked. thats your great grandmas name, never heard this b4. boy, it spooked me. 5 years later me and my sister tried the same thing , just by ourselves, was ok for a while was asnswering all the questions, then it got really angry. and the glass shot across the room, now 30 years later, we realise we are old enough and wise enough to relise this was not our doing, cos we would of admitted to it by this time in life if it was a prank
2007-11-29 15:08:50 UTC
If you haven't tried it..DON'T !! I wish somebody had warned me!!! Do you realize that if something moves it...then there REALLY is some "thing" there? You don't know what that thing is. It could be a really evil spirit...and since you "asked" it could stay there. You might be lucky and find someone to make it go away...and then you might not and be stuck with it in your house and everywhere you go.
2007-11-29 14:48:20 UTC
My Dad scared me out of doing it becasue Some girl he knew died in a car crash a week later,,,He's convinved it was no coincidence =),,,

So I'll be staying away lol..
Bonnie B
2007-11-29 14:51:07 UTC
I've never done one but have always wanted to. But I would be wary that someone was moving it.
2007-11-29 14:49:28 UTC
Never used one.. They say once you start to use one you will be letting things come into your house, strange happenings will begin and so forth... Be careful...
2007-11-29 15:00:46 UTC
No I Have tried them and they do work
2007-11-29 19:48:01 UTC
They are real! I had a spirit that told me to go to Hell.
2007-11-29 15:16:34 UTC
Never did it before.
Scribbling Chicken!
2007-11-29 15:47:30 UTC
do not i have never but it does wierd stuff and makes u believe in stuff that's not real u want my best advice STAY AWAY FROM IT!!
The man
2007-11-29 14:52:38 UTC
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God. The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so (Deut. 18:10-14).

2007-11-29 14:54:50 UTC


When you do things like that, you let things in shouldn't.

Don't do that to yourself.
2007-12-01 18:18:11 UTC
don;t mess with them, you could invite sth nasty, we don;t know what is out there.
2007-11-29 14:51:45 UTC
it's all in the mind,but for some it is all in there pants.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.