If you have never seen a UFO does that mean that aliens don't exist?
2010-11-15 17:45:19 UTC
So, why do pseudo-skeptics never consider that any UFO sighting in all of history was ever an alien intelligence (please no jokes about migrants). I've heard that science can't speculate that a sighting was an alien craft due to lack of hard evidence, yet the same science will declare that it was likely a weather balloon, swamp gas, etc. with the same evidence. Why do they never seriously speculate on the possibility of ETs as an explanation unless they are not being scientific?

So, which is it? 1) They don't know how to be scientific or 2) They don't want to be scientific?

I would accept a debunker stating about a specific UFO sighting that they believe there is a 90% chance it was a weather balloon, 8% chance it was a hoax and 2% chance that it was an alien but I never see it. Instead, I hear them say it was either a weather balloon or a hoax. Is it impossible for them to ever consider aliens?
Fourteen answers:
military supporter
2010-11-17 10:58:16 UTC
The so called skeptics say there's no extraterrestrial life because they don't approve of the idea. They don't want to think that they are at the end all be all of existence. There are millions and millions of reports of unidentified flying objects. There are thousands which have been shown to not be any ordinary object. The skeptics tried to explain away all of the reports due to the fact that some have been proved to be hoaxes. That is insane. There are far more qualified people many people insert here on YA. There are astronomers, physicists, astrophysicists, astronauts, military pilots, civilian pilots, radar operators, military personnel, police, and numerous others will have reported and investigated UFOs. Governments from all around the world are admitting the reality of UFOs. Just recently, a well known Chinese astronomer stated categorically that UFOs are real, due to his sighting. The people here who are denying this are just taking their heads in the sand. They ignore the tons of evidence collected over the last 75 years. They don't even attempt to research the situation. I don't know whether they're afraid of the outcome or embarrassed because are being proved wrong. As for the people who will say I don't understand science, my signs comprehension in the top 1% of people in the United States. I have an IQ in excess of 150 and am quite sane. I have a GPA of 3.85 in college. These people cannot dismiss me as uneducated or stupid.
2010-11-16 23:59:14 UTC
The Drake equation becomes more timely by the day as we find water (and signs of life) on Mars and even the moon - hinting at Panspermia being a more and more real possability.

Clarke's 3 Laws:

1.When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right; when he states that something is impossible, he is probably wrong.

2.The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.

3.Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


Dr Kaku says this is his analysis ..... past all the many UFO cases we can explain away are some cases that the evidence is so strong that the only logical answer that is left when all things are considered is that the cases show evidence clearly of a craft of alien origin. The Belgium Triangle UFO is such a case.

Am heeding Clarke's 3 Laws and am going with the one who says this is right and logical, past the fact my own 2 eyes have seen many craft that the technology witnessed exceeded anything we have here on earth unless we are surpressing advanced forms of antigravity.
2010-11-16 02:03:24 UTC
I strongly believe that there are other intelligent beings other than ourselves in this universe. I don't care what the government or some super-secret military says. They will hide the facts. There have been evidence in the past that was quickly hidden and changed so that the general public are made to believe otherwise. We live in the Solar System. The Solar System is located in the Milky Way galaxy, which contains billions and billions of stars and other planets. There has to be intelligent life within our galaxy, and this universe, other than ourselves. I believe this is possible. My conclusion? They know how to be scientific, but the truth will never be told.
Dr. NG
2010-11-16 15:37:11 UTC
No, and seeing a UFO doesn't mean they do. On the subject of extraterrestrials a truly open minded person would be open to the possibility UFOs are not ET's.

Accepting the existence of something because you want to, or it's the coolest option, is not being open minded.

Pseudo-open minded individuals arguing facts not in evidence are not helping their cause. Some of us require facts, we don't want to believe things, we need to know or not know.
2010-11-16 14:35:00 UTC
All you need to know is that they are ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL WRONG!!!!! You have my word that ufo`s are real,they are not physical as in solid mass.They are part of an unknown science that is part of OUR world not the world of another Galaxy.They pull no punches when you see one,they move, act force and appear completely intelligent,they are like nothing ever seen before.They are vapourous,of light and water and of a profound blackness .They appear to be from within a different frequency within the air through thick spiritual vortexes.Their light can light the air like a ghostly aura but they look biological like we all look within our tiny blood cells.Forget the skeptic for one day it will be a thing of the past,an ancient phrase.
Thinking Outside the Flocks
2010-11-16 03:24:29 UTC
they can look right at me and see that I'm a grey, yet deny my existence. It baffles me! If they admitted to themselves that ET life exists, they will never disclose it, because they saw the reaction of humans during that radio program decades ago. They want to keep the peace and give the illusion that they have everything under control. They are also involved with the media's spin on ETs, and want to keep it in the 'wacky' zone instead of the scientific realm, to discourage people from coming forward. There are so many pilots out there that have learned to keep their experiences to themselves, but ask any fireman what the protocol is for possible ET contact. The government is very two-faced and coy about this subject.
2010-11-16 11:43:40 UTC
I took a skeptic once by the hand and lead her to a cream cheese cracker with a apple on it, and said see it's real. Altho she is still in denial.

I saw a ufo some years ago, we don't have anything on earth that can go that speed and stop, then go and turn in a L shape turn at that speed and it was gone.
Chaine de lumière
2010-11-16 04:40:43 UTC
Check out the link. See what a real scientist thinks about UFOs and the argument from ignorance.

For scientists, the lowest form of evidence is eyewitness testimony.

Edit: The lack of real evidence (physical) is the problem. Also is the problem of distance, the closest star is almost four light years away. It would take tens of thousands of years for us to reach it. Not saying that is the star aliens would come from. Fifty light years is "close" to astronomers. Even now with the future of the Mars missions, it maybe a one way trip for those that go.
2010-11-16 05:48:59 UTC
There are two options. Aliens are not visiting earth, or Aliens are visiting earth, and we have no idea of their presence. UFOs are seen all the time. UFO implies that the viewer is ignorant of what the object is, thus it would be rather presumptuous to say the unidentified object is "alien" in nature.

The chances that an alien civilization exists in our galaxy at this time is almost negligible.Think about it this way, they would have to evolve within 1 million years of us, and thats just to exist. For either of us to know about each other, we would have to have evolved in less than 10,000 years of each other. This is an extremely small window of opportunity. (imagine if they tried to send signals to us 10,000 years ago, we would have never received them, and the same goes vice-verse.)

In order to travel here, they would have to be millions of years more advanced than us. So much so, that we are comparable to a colony of ants to them. Our technology and society is that of insects. They wouldn't bother trying to contact us, or live amongst us. They would gain nothing of significant from studying us up close. At best, we would be a food source, or since they would probably have to consume the energy of an entire star to travel here with their faster-than-light/time travel/and or dimensional warping technology, they might just come, take our sun and leave without even looking at that third rock in its orbit.

So, in conclusion any given incident, I would say (for example) is more like 90% chance its a weather balloon, 8% chance of a hoax, 1.99999999999999999999999999999999999999% chance that its something natural (lightning, meteor, or the ilk) and about a 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance that its alien in nature. Given the odds, where would you put your money?
2010-11-16 03:30:06 UTC
So, since you can't explain a supposed sighting, you presume it MUST be a UFO, and therefore there MUST be off-world aliens visiting our planet. It just HAS to be the most fantastic, the wildest, the most unlikely thing for you, hasn't it? You can't accept that it's most likely got a very mundane, even boring explanation, can you?

Oh, and one more thing: it's embarrassingly obvious you know nothing of science and the scientific method.
2010-11-16 01:50:56 UTC
UFO simply means 'I don't know what that was'. Someone not knowing what Venus looks like (Venus is the cause of about half of UFO sightings) is not proof of alien life. There's no evidence aliens are visiting us. That doesn't mean they don't exist somewhere - most of us astronomers think there's a good chance they do. But we don't have evidence of it yet. There's a whole field of astronomer based around finding alien life, and it would be a whole lot easier if there was any proof at all they were coming to us. If there was anything convincing about aliens, we'd jump on it. There isn't.
2010-11-16 02:10:54 UTC
Many scientists believe that alien life exists.

The Wikipedia article below is a calculation used to estimate how many alien cultures exist.

There is also SETI, the search for extraterrestrial existence, which is a serious scientific project.

Scientists careers would be made if they could document the existence of alien space craft.

Unfortunately, they have not been able to do so.
Dennis P
2010-11-16 02:04:04 UTC
if you segest something other than a previous know anser you are guessing. if you think it is aliens the please explain why it would be easer for it to be something travling billions and billions of miles for many many years than for it to be something that organated from right here on earth. if you considered the amout of time it would take for intersteller travle then you would start to see the world difrantly there is nothing within range not even a star for us to travle to in our lifetime with a probe other than other planets in our own solar system plz rember that the 2% chance of aliens you speek of is only if the aliens you speek of is meany more years addvanced than what we are. we will not be able to send a probe to another star in our lifetime.
2010-11-16 07:55:36 UTC
absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.