If I have seen and Angel and heard a trinity voice shortly after, does this mean that I am a chosen person?
2006-11-27 11:33:08 UTC
I was laying in my bed sleeping next to my husband and my new baby in 2004. I soon peeked my eyes open because I heard and weird squeeking noise above. I started to see an instrument appear in the air above me, then all of a sudden I saw a very bright light, a women was up above me sreaming really loud. I thought that I was dead and this was the after life. I was frightend and simultabeously felt really warm and comforted. I turned over to go back to sleep, then I was accompanied by three voices in one and three little blue lights. I heard the voices telling me something about the 19th century and " in him" thats all I remember. I wish I could remember more.

What should I do?
Four answers:
2006-11-27 14:33:27 UTC
I believe that everyone has an angel, usually more than one, as well as spirit guides with them all of the time. Alot of people have said that they, too, have seen their angel. Most people, however, aren't that lucky or simply choose not to see. The blue lights were probably the energies of your guides, and their voices often come all at one time. Even very eperienced 'psychics' need to work very hard to filter the voices and actually hear what they are saying. If you wish to open yourself further to your angel, talk to him/her. Don't feel silly. Most major religions believe in them--ArchAngel Michael, for example. Say "I hear you. Talk to me more... what is your name?" Then wait for your answer. I'm Catholic, and one of the major prayers begins..." I believe in one God, the father,the almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, of all things seen and unseen..." You are blessed to have seen the unseen.
2006-11-27 22:33:00 UTC
Lay off the drugs and alcohol. Especially since you are responsible for a child.
2006-11-27 21:07:28 UTC
No, it means you are a deluded person, or just telling tall tales.
2006-11-27 23:01:18 UTC
u should read wat happend in the 19th century and find "him" and see wat he talked about then u might remember more

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