Cassandra's dream
2012-02-29 10:20:37 UTC
I work in a movie projection booth and we have a portable monitor that can be hooked up to the big movie projector via a main cable and a data transfer cable and a monitor cable.
Usually I unplug the monitor cable of the portable and still leave in the data plugin and the main plugin to the projector when i'm done with it to save electricity.
Usually as soon as I unplug the monitor cable, the monitor goes off as expected.
But yesterday I was installing a new lamp for the projector. I unplugged the monitor plugin, I'm kind of sure it went off and I was working on something else for a few seconds, then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed it was still on, so I went to pick it up to get a better look because it was covered by something else. Then it turned off just as I was about to pick it up. It was maybe 20 seconds~one minute that it was on for when I unplugged its monitor cable.
I felt perplexed because I double checked that I had indeed unplugged the monitor cable. I thought there may be a "ghost" around the area giving off some sort of highly charged electromagnetic energy thus causing the anomaly.
If its an electromagnetic entity, how should I deal with it in a safe manner?
Any thoughts on what might have happened?